Back To The Future.

In this review I'm going under the assumption that everyone who reads it has seen Back To The Future, and if not go watch all 3 films in one long marathon while munching on a huge family pack of

The perfect time travel snack.
Back To The Future is a point and click adventure game from what is possibly my favourite development studio Tellttale Games, who specialise in these kind of games and are very good at making them too.
The Back To The Future games are split into 5 episodes, each one taking about 4 hours to complete (or 0 hours if you've got a DeLorean with a Mr Fusion that you feed lesser computer games to to go back in time with), each episode has its own conclusion but but the next episode carries on directly from it, just like in the films where you get back from fixing time and realised you forgot to put the bin out before you went back to the future and now your house has turned into a skip, then you got to go back and fix that too.

1.21 GIGAWATTS?!?!?!
You meet some old favourites throughout the series such as Biff (and his many incarnations through time, Biff, Griff, Tiff, Kidd, Tipp, Lipp, Nipp, Stiff, Jiff, etc etc), Marty's parents, a young Doc Brown and at one point Great uncle Willie.
Almost all of the characters are liable (some I didn’t like too well and some you're not meant to) and the voice acting is good throughout, especially Doc brown who is voiced by the legendary Christopher Lloyd himself! He does a great job at voicing old Doc and the young Doc too. Unfortunately Michael J Fox couldn't voice Marty McFly (although he does make an appearance in the last game) but the voice actor they got in to do Marty is so good that it's hard to tell the difference (and at times you would swear it was Michael).

What did one farmer say to the other?
"Make like a banana and get outta here"
As you would expect from Back To The Future (and a Telltale game) there is lots of humour in it, its not just the jokes that are funny, some had me in stitches, but also the situations they get into and a lot of times just the way some of the lines are delivered is funny, either just in general or if they use a particular line from the film, and a lot of the time Marty makes me laugh because he just sounds so much like Michael J Fox.
The music is present and correct, it uses the BTTF theme in many places and with good effect, the game also has it's own music too, and even during the credits you get the Back in Time theme tune. As I write this review I have been listening to the BTTF theme over and over again, I just can't get enough of it, played it about 15 times already!

Is that enough road to get up to 88?
As an adventure game some of the puzzles are easy, others may have you thinking (they did me at least) but once you get used to the formula you get used to it and find it easier to guess what the programmers want you to do in many puzzles and the face offs during the game. The face offs, as I like to call them anyway, usually entail a set scene that you have to accomplish in a certain order in order to complete the scene, usually you against another character, which plays out pretty well.
The whole series (all 5 games) is very authentic, very humerous and very much has the Back To The Future feel to it (even the game end the same way the film does with the DeLorian flying into the camera)
The graphics in the game, while being simple and cartoony, are very nice and give the game a great light hearted feel. All of the characters look much like the actors who played them in the film, you may notice a few graphical bugs but really they make no difference what so ever to the game play.
One small niggle is sometimes when you are walking with Marty through the game and the camera moves to a different angle I've found myself going in circles a bit trying to reoriantate myself as one direction suddenly becomes another one when the camera changes, though part of that is just me being a bit rubbish.
The game is highly recommended to anyone who likes adventure games or Back To The Future (still recommended if you like neither of them but don't blame me if you don't like it) Oh, and not recommended for graphics whores either.
Now I can't wait to see what Telltale do with the Jurassic Park game!

Doc, I've always wanted to tell you....
It's ok Marty, I know.
Story and Presentation: 4
Graphics: 3
Sound: 4
Gameplay: 4
Longevity: 3
Score: 4/5
It's 1.21 gigawatts, not 1.12. :)
Well spotted thanks, no wonder I dodn't know what a gigawatt was lol
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