Thursday, June 30, 2011

Treyarch releases CoD Black Ops - Trailer, and we Release Our 50th Post!

It is with great excitement that I publish our 50th post!  That's right, this post marks the 50th post to be published on our site; and the topic couldn't have been better.

As the title describes, Treyarch has released a trailer for what is now the fourth map pack for Call of Duty:  Black Ops.  The map pack will be titled Annihilation, and will feature four new multiplayer maps plus a new Zombie map.

This trailer focuses primarily on the Zombie map which, pardon the language, looks fucking awesome!

Like the previous map packs, this DLC will cost you $15 bucks.  I, personally, have been waiting for the prices of the previous packs to go down before taking the plunge; but this one might be an exception to the rule...

At any rate, check out the hilarious and insane video below!

Rage - The Legacy of a ID Trailer

ID Software has released and amazing trailer for their upcoming game, Rage, which also gives a brief history of their company.

For those that don't know, ID is the company that created the first person shooter genre with the release of Wolfenstein 3D.  After Wolfenstein, they later perfected the genre with the release of Doom.  They also are the developers behind Quake, another historic FPS franchise, as well as the developers of the 3D engines that power their games.

Aside from their monumentally influential shooters, ID is also famous for being the HQ of gaming's smartest developer:  the legendary John Carmack.  This genius is behind some of the most influential 3D graphic engines in the history of gaming, including the historic Quake III engine.

The trailer features input from several of the key figures at ID, and shows some stunning gameplay footage for Rage; which launches for PC, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3 this coming October.  Check it out!

Dungeon Siege 3 Demo Review

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Crysis 2 Direct X 11 Video

I know Cody posted a few days ago about the Direct X 11 upgrade, with some small pictures that dont really show much as the screenshots are quite small, but here is a video demonstrating it, and it does look seriously good.

I especially like the water reflections and how the robots look later in the trailer.
Click Here to see the video.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Alice: Madness Returns - Review in Progress Cont.

I'm still working my way through Alice: Madness Returns, but will hopefully have it finished and be able to get my review up later this week.

I've been pretty pleased with the game thus far.  There have been some presentation issues, but other than those it has been a very solid game.

I've uploaded a couple of videos of the game in action.  

Enjoy, and expect the review in the near future!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Minty's Top 10 all time games

This is my top 10 list of all time favourite games (that's the whole entire time I've been playing games, 25 of them in fact).

As you may notice all games featured in this list are quite old, there are 2 reasons for this, the first being the game has to stand the test of time, if I go back to it and play it over and over again even tough there are newer games coming out then it can make it into the list. The second reason being that newer games just aren't as fun as older ones.

Also, where I have found that a game has an equally good sequel/prequel, due to both games being near identical in game play I have added it to the same number slot.
Many games appear on multiple systems but I list the systems I played them on the most and got the most fun out of. So, starting at number 10.........

10. Super Metroid SNES 1994

A game which I'm sure everybody has played and is my favourite game on the SNES.

Fantastic game, easy to play and I love playing through and unlocking the new abilities throughout the game, such as being able to turn into a ball or the spiral jump.

The boss battles are great, some small bosses or mini bosses, some large bosses and quite hard to kill, the game never feels too hard though and so never gets frustrating to play, it also never gets boring.
There are plenty of secrets to be had in the game, which you don't get enough of in games these days, secrets where you can find new places, extra ammo or extra health, I also love the music in a secret room, you know there is a secret there because of the music so you spend 20 minutes on that screen looking for it.

Which moves me onto the next bit, the music, along with the original Command and Conquer and Final Fantasy 7, Super Metroid has the best music in any game ever, each area has its own theme, the bosses have their themes and they are all fantastic to listen to.

The game is very long and will take you many hours to complete and takes you across different locations including in caves, ships or underwater.

Super Metroid is also the first game to ever get an emotional reaction out of me, I won't say which just in case anyone hasn't played it, but for everyone who has played the last boss I'm sure you will know which bit I mean, for a game to do that it's very difficult. Again, this is a game that I can play time and time again and still not get bored.

9. X-COM UFO Defence / X-COM Terror from the Deep PC 1994/1995

A very compelling, deep and engaging game that I find hard to put down, even today steam has me at 50 hours playing X-COM UFO defence!

Its a turn based strategy game defending the Earth from alien forces, you start off, build a base from which to intercept enemy craft then once down you send out your X-COM soldiers to finish them off.

The ship to ship combat is mostly automated, but fighting your units against theirs is where all the fun is, taking a set amount of units to the mission, equipping them and using them to wipe out any remaining aliens on the map. To start with you have a few units and they are all rookies who advance in ranks with the more aliens the kill, the higher their rank the more health they have, time used (which they use to move around the map) as well as morale so they don't run off like a screaming child when the fight goes pear shaped, which it often will as the aliens have far superior abilities and weapons than you.

Which brings me to the research tree, it is very deep and you can research everything the aliens use in the game, from a small bomb which wipes out half the screen to their own craft which they use to attack you and you use eventually to attack them and stop the invasion. Unfortunately for Terror From The Deep there is a bug in the research tree which can sometimes make it impossible to finish the game, still, its my favourite off the two and I never tire from playing it, I love the underwater missions.

8. Homeworld PC 1999

An RTS set in space. Plays like Command and Conquer, no base building, but you do have a home base to construct ships and gather resources. The game has a good storyline and is told during missions and throughout very well hand drawn cut scenes, there is an amazing use of Adagio For Strings for some very sombre moments in the game.

The space battles are very good too, you got everything from tiny fighters to large capital ships to content with, as well as your resource collector you also have a unit that is especially designed to salvage enemy ships to add to your fleet and take to the next level, very handy as the game can be quite hard when resources are dry and you cant build more ships, always have salvage ships on standby to rob a few off the enemy.

The game has a very good and easy to use 3D map so you can set your units to go anywhere on the map in 3D space. The controls of of your units are easy to use and pays just like a normal RTS game with creating groups of units which you can order together in one go, all ships also have the options of flying in various formations which makes for some good tactics.
Homeworld has a high difficulty level and is very compelling to play, I can play it again and again and still not get tired of it.

7. No one Lives Forever 2 PC 2002

A brilliantly fun FPS from the same people who made Blood. The game is set like a 1960s spy film. The main character is a secret agent and she has an array of spy gadgets and weapons to fight with, among them are a remote controlled kitty bomb, a dart that knocks people out but doesn't kill them (handy for silently dispatching guards but they get back up later) a Katrina sword and some money to throw to distract guards.

The game itself is very funny throughout, its hard to get humour to work in a game but it works brilliantly in NOLF2 from chasing a French man through a village on a tricycle, to your typical over elaborate spy death traps and making people slip on bananas. You also pick up intel and memos throughout the game, some give you hints and tips, others are just gags and funny situations such as guards getting in trouble for slacking off etc.

The levels are very varied too,throughout the story you will travel from Japan, to a trailer park (one of the best levels) to an underwater Spy hideout with a very typical spy boss who you will grow to like.
Overall the game is very fun and not a typical FPS, its got a good story to follow and interesting characters. On an interesting note this game is the most recent addition to my all time favourite games, and its nearly 10 years old.

6. Mechcommander PC 1998

A real time strategy game that plays like Command and Conquer except there is no base building or resource collecting. You play from a top down view and command a squad of giant Mech robots across a battlefield.

It starts off with a very good (yet full of cheese) FMV intro sequence which sets the tone for the game very well, it's basically 2 forces against each other, each force owning different style Mechs with different weapons to choose from. The Mechs range in size from 25 tonnes to 100 tonnes and makes for some very good strategic play as you have a weight limit to each mission so you have to choose which Mechs to take, you can also customise their load out which is very good.

This is a very hard game, the control system is easy to use, but the difficulty of the missions is right up there making it one of the hardest games I have ever played, and its all the more satisfying when you do beat each mission. The missions range from destroy a specific target, to getting to a certain location in the map, destroying convoys and so forth, all the while battling the enemy Mechs which makes for some very fun game play, I love fighting in giant robots! If you beat a Mech and the pilot ejects you get the chance to take salvage that Mech and carry it over to the next level, so your arsenal is constantly expanding.

Mechcommander also has the best 2D sprites I have ever seen in a game. The game itself has 2 zoom settings, a far away one so you can see a lot of the fight and one where you zoom in close to better see what is happening, each sprite was redrawn for the 2 zoom levels and are very highly detailed with great animation, a lot of effort has been put into it and I still love the look of it today.
A brilliant game with a high difficulty level but great combat and very customisable.

5. Shining Force 1/ Shining Force 2 Sega Megadrive 1993/1994

Woooo!! Simply the best RPG game ever! Both games play very much the same, have a long story to play through, both of which comprising of their being some evil in the world that you have to destroy, a very worthy goal!

Both games involve you playing through the story, meeting new characters along the way to join your "Shining Force" to take the fight to some evil monsters. The monsters themselves being mostly typical fantasy monsters, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Haryps, and one of my favourites from Shining Force 2 is a fight against a kraken, very hard fight.

Speaking of favourite fights, SF2 has one of my favourite all time fights in a game, your shining force pitted against the forces on a chess board, if you haven't played it I wont say more by spoiling it other than I could do that fight over and over again.

The game itself has a unique play style, it is a turn based game, where each of your units has a limit space on the world they can move to, some units can move further than others, some move like a sloth with a broken leg, but your units can move anywhere within this region and end their turn, the enemy plays the same, once you get into a fight the scene changes to a close up of the fight where whoever instigated the battle has their turn.

During the fight you and the enemy have a chance to dodge attacks or even have a second attack, the chance is random, but can make for some very nerve wrecking game play when you are low on health and the enemy is dodging your moves or has 2 attacks and you dodge both of them and eventually end up winning or losing.

Each battle your forces gain experience and level up in the typical fashion, stats go up as usual, but when you get to level 20 you get the choice of upgrading your unit to a hero class, this may give them extra abilities, or new magic or be able to wield new weapons. In SF2 some characters have special items that you find throughout the game and can upgrade them even further than normal.

The character you meet that join your force are typical warriors, mages and flying units, but they are many different species with their own advantages and disadvantages, you cant take all of them into battle at once as you have a limit, this makes for some good tactical play, deciding on who you need for that mission and who can be left behind.

SF1 and SF2 are brilliant RPG games, very long play time and very fun too, you can now get them for PS3 and Xbox 360 on the Sega Megadrive Ultimate collection or on the Wii Virtual Console, I can't recommend them highly enough.

4. Freespace 1 / Freespace 2 PC 1999/2000

The best space combat games I've ever played, granted I've not played a lot, but this one is brilliant and I can play it time and time again.

Both games play very much the same and the story from the first one continues onto the second one, everything written below applies to both games.

They both got good and compelling stories that draw you in and have varied missions from escort, all the way to huge battles trying to take out a capital ship. The ships themselves range from typical fighters which are very small and designed for dog fighting, which works brilliantly in the game, to the huge capital ships cutting each other in half using beam cannons, some ships are up to 6 miles across.

Throughout the game you get to fight in many varied fighters with a large array of weapons using many kinds of laser cannons and missiles ranging from fast but weak damage to take out fighters to very slow buy do very heavy damage for the capital ships.

One of the best things about the combat is the ability to target subsystems on the larger ships, you can choose to take out shields first, or engines, or weapons, then pick them apart one by one like a pack of hungry hyenas!

Also when fighting you get to distribute power across 3 systems, Speed, Shields and Weapons, to give each one of them a boost at the expense of the other 2 systems, makes for some good tactical fights where you might put all your power on speed so you can flee, let your shields charge, then go back into the fight with full weapons power.

The combat plays very well, the story is compelling and makes for a long game, there are a huge amounts of details in the game, not just from the ships but from weapons too, brilliant tutorials to show you how to play the game and use each weapon and the missions are very well briefed too with some brilliant voice acting, one of the actors being Ronnie Cox, you may remember him playing Dick Jones in RoboCop

3. Blood PC 1997

Next to Doom this is the best FPS ever. It's got more imaginative weapons, levels, monsters and is just as fun to play, it's hard to pick one over the other.

The weapons are brilliant and so much fun to use, your starting weapon is a pitchfork, a bloody PITCHFORK! Which you use to jam in the faces of zombies repeatedly until their head pops off which you can boot around the place like a football until it explodes.

As well as that you get the flare gun which you fire into people and watch as they slowly burn to a crisp running around screaming, when they are on fire they try to run into you and set you on fire too, a very nice touch.

There are several power-ups to be had in the game like invulnerability, but one of my favourite is Guns Akimbo which gives you 2 of every weapon for a short time, 2 flare guns, 2 shotguns etc. and each weapon has a dual fire mode as well which makes them very fun to experiment with, this is just something that is lacking in games these days.

The levels are brilliant too and very varied, you start, quite literally, from your own grave! Then progress through some of the best levels I've played in an FPS including a Carnival, a Moving train and some creepy woods.

Another thing the game has which you don't see enough of these days is a main character with personality, he talks throughout the game, makes wise cracks when left idle, quotes popular culture and even some of the levels are parodies of popular films, overall its an extremely fun no nonsense game and I can play it over and over again.

2. Doom 1 / Doom 2 PC 1993/1994

The best FPS of all time. No need for a fancy storyline, in fact its very simple, Demons from Hell are summoned on Mars and you have to take them out, it's not going to win any awards but is a great excuse for a good kick off, and this takes me to the game play.

The game play is very simple too, no nonsense shoot everything that moves with an arsenal of weapons from the very weak to the downright ludicrous and powerful (BFG) which can take out an entire room in one go. It's all over the top and not at all serious and that's what makes this game so fun to play, even better than most FPS games these days.

The weapons are extremely fun to use, from the close range chainsaw, the Shotgun (still my favourite ever) berserk mode which means you can punch someone and they shatter into a mess on the floor and the rocket launcher which I use to knock Cacodemons about the level and watch them float around, which is always hilarious.

The monsters too, including the Cacodemon are all great to fight against and quite imaginative, monsters such as the Pinky Demon, the Mancubus and the Cybderdemon, and for the PC version you get the Arch-Vile too!

Also for the PC version you get some extra levels, one of which is the Spider Mastermind versus the Cyberdemon, a very good level which is practically nothing else except those two.

The game has good music too all throughout, again it's simplistic music, nothing too dramatic or dynamic and its still very good to listen too, also sometimes you can hear a crying baby in the background which is very eerie.

1. Command and Conquer Tiberian Dawn/Red Alert PC 1995/1996

This game being my all time favourite. When it first came out I didn't have a PC, I played it on the PSX (that being the original Playsation) and it was amazing, instantly became my favourite game. Only a few years later when I got my PC did I get C&C on it and it was even better again thanks to playing with keyboard and mouse.

At the time I had neither played or seen anything else like it (there was Dune but I didnt get to play that). Everything about it was brilliant, building up my base, the research tree, I loved the graphics and even the story told via FMV. Also the music is amazing, I can listen to it all day, its so 90s techno, has possibly the best music ever in a game (closely followed by Final Fantasy 7 and Super Metroid)

Obviously there are far newer RTS games with better graphics and better gameplay mechanics with more races in the game, but I love the simplicity of C&C, just 2 races does it for me. To this day I still play it and have a huge amount of fun doing so, both campaigns are fun to play, the FMV and the CGI cut scenes are still great to watch, I've probably gone back and played this game more than any other which is why its my number 1.

Red Alert took everything good about C&C Tiberian Dawn and improved on it (it couldn't improve on the music though even though the music in RA is great) it added extra units, the Dog being a favourite, indoor missions, even more FMV and CGI sequences and a quirky fun story line. Both games also feature 2 of my favourite intros ever.

Honourable Mention goes to Another World SNES 1992

My second favourite SNES game ever, cant quite get into the top 10 but still a brilliant game, and a few years ago they released the 15 year anniversary so it is well worth getting again, though I find the intro on the SNES version the best, its got brilliant music and a great story which scrolls up the screen Star Wars style!

The game is short but the story good and the game extremely fun to play through. It was the first cinematic game I ever played, it was like playing a film (obviously before FMV became all the rage) it's got brilliant scripted sequences and moments which get the adrenalin pumping, again another game that invoked an emotional reaction, not as strong as Super Metroid but still.

This game also had the best animation of any game of it's time using a technique known as Rotoscoping, where animators would trace over live action film movement frame by frame.

This game also has fantastic music and really adds to the action of the game, highly recommended.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Team Fortress 2 - Now Free to Play!

It has been announced that Team Fortress 2 is now permanently free to play!

In an interview with Develop-Online Valve's Robin Walker stated that, based on data they got back from their "Mann-conomy update", TF2 would be "more successful as a completely free product".  You can read the complete interview here.

If you have not played TF2, there is now absolutely nothing holding you back from downloading and trying it out.  Those that enjoy it will now have completely free access to a heavily supported product with a very strong community.

To coincide with their conversion to the free to play model, Valve has released a new trailer.  Check it out!

Team Fortress 2 - Meet the Medic

Valve has released an epic trailer for their Medic class.

They have been releasing "Meet the (INSERT CHARACTER CLASS HERE)" trailers for years now, but I must say that this one is the best yet.  In its just over four minute run-time, the video manages to give some insight into Medic's personality, show how "Uber" works, and showoff some cool combat action.  The video also has some hilarious, ridiculously quotable dialogue.  After watching this, you'll be saying "Ribs grow back" for years to come!

Watch the kick-ass video below, and prepare to LOL!

BioShock Infinite - Windows Into Other Worlds

In a recent trailer, Bioshock Infinite Creative Director Ken Levine describes the character Elizabeth's unique ability.

Using "tears", Elizabeth can pull objects in from other dimensions to aid the player.  The concept sounds interesting, and looks like it will make for some very unique gameplay.

Check out the trailer to hear the full explanation, and see it in action.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

L.A. Noire is coming to PC this Fall!

As stated on L.A. Noire's home page, the game is coming out for PC this fall!

After Rockstar snubbed the PC platform by not releasing Red Dead Redemption for it, no one saw this coming.  

Here is the official statement:

Developed by Rockstar Leeds and built to run on a wide range of PCs, L.A. Noire's robust feature customization includes keyboard remapping and gamepad functionality to both optimize and customize performance and user experience. Along with increased fidelity and improved graphical enhancements, the PC version will also feature 3D support for an even greater sense of interaction and immersion within a painstakingly detailed 1940s Los Angeles.

I guess that means that I can hold off on getting the game for a while.  I'll check it out when it comes to PC this fall, and give a full analysis when that time comes.

Until then, check out the launch trailer for the console version.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Crysis 2 - DX11 Patch on the 27th!

Next Monday, June 27th, Crytek will finally release the long awaited DX11 Patch for Crysis 2.

Though it packed great graphics, the PC community was dissapointed with the fact that Crysis 2 was not the system sizzling beast that its predecessor was.  One of the biggest complaints was the fact that the game was designed for DX9, and lacked the DX11 support that the developers had originally stated it would have.

Well, luckily for PC gamers, it looks like Crytek is finally going to right this wrong; and Crysis 2 patch 1.9 will include the much desired DX11.  In addition, there will also be a high resolution texture update.

Here is a list of some of the other new features and fixes to be included in the patch.

• Added Contact Shadows
• Added DX11 benchmark level
• Added DX11 support for Crysis 2 (the following features only work when downloading the optional DX11 package here):
• - Tessellation + Displacement Mapping
• - High Quality HDR Motion Blur
• - Realistic Shadows with Variable Penumbra
• - Sprite Based Bokeh Depth of Field
• - Parallax Occlusion Mapping
• - Particles Motion Blur, Shadows and Art Updates
• - Water Rendering improvements and using Tessellation + Displacement Mapping
• Added Realtime Local Reflections
• Added support for Higher Res Textures Package
• Added various new console variables to whitelist
• Fixed bullet penetration, which had been broken by a bug introduced with the DLC 2 patch
• Fixed issue in MP where player stats weren't always saved at the end of a game
• Fixed issue in MP where player stats would sometimes randomly reset
• Fixed issue with MP time played statistic, which would sometimes be too low on leaderboards and in stats
• Fixed issue with JAW rocket not firing through window's containing broken glass
• Fixed rare issue where a user could not access MP with a valid CD key if they had previously used an invalid CD key
• Improved advanced graphics options menu
• Improved anti-cheat measurements: fixed exploit which could prevent vote kicking working against a user
• Improved multi-GPU support
• Improved Tone Mapping
• Re-added possibility to enable r_StereoSupportAMD via config file (unsupported)

Enjoy these screenshots while you wait for the patch to be released! (Source)

Gears of War 3: Horde 2.0 Briefing Video

IGN has posted a new video of the ugraded Horde mode that will be in Gears of War 3.

Horde was one of the best modes in GoW2, and it looks like Epic is going all out to make it even better.  If they can improve the multiplayer problems that hindered the second game, GoW3 could definitely be a game to watch for later this year.

Check the video out and see what you think!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Shadows Of The Damned - Launch Trailer

It's shaping up to be a busy summer, as Shadows of the Damned was released for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 today.

The game is the love child of the creator behind No More Heroes and the creator of Resident Evil; and looks completely F'd up!  Its one Hell of a crazy looking games, but seems like it could have a lot of potential.  It definitely has me intrigued...

I'll provide my impressions of the game once I get some hands on time with it.  Until then, check out the crazy launch trailer!

F.E.A.R. 3 - Released Today!

The third installment of the thrilling F.E.A.R. franchise was launched today!

For those unfamilliar with the franchise, F.E.A.R. is a first person shooter that combines strong horror elements with Jon Woo style action sequences.  The games are known for having good graphics, and have typically packed some amazing particle effects.

F.E.A.R. 3 will be the first game in the series to feature online co-op, and will also feature some other unique multiplayer modes.  I'll give details on how these modes play once I get my hands on my copy in the next couple of days, and you can expect a full review soon after.

For now, enjoy the launch trailer!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Alice: Madness Returns - Review in Progress

I am currently playing through Alice:  Madness Returns, and will be releasing a review once I've completed it.

So far, the game has been even more eerily twisted than the original and features a much deeper combat system. It hasn't been perfect, but I've enjoyed my return to Wonderland thus far.

Expect some more updates as I progress further into the game, and enjoy these screenshots straight from A:MR's official webpage!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Red Faction: Armageddon - OnLive Review!

The following review pertains specifically to the OnLive version of Red Faction:  Armageddon.


It seems as though Volition, Inc is having an identity crisis with its Red Faction series.  The franchise started out as a first person shooter, later was changed into a third person open world action game with the release of Red Faction:  Guerilla, and now – with the release of Red Faction:  Armageddon – has been converted into a linear third person shooter.  In one hand, Volition can be applauded for trying to fully explore their franchise to discover what works best for it.  In the other hand, though, one can’t help but to observe how Volition is potentially alienating portions of the series’ fan base with each new release.  This is especially true for Red Faction:  Armageddon, which has angered many fans with its evaporation of its predecessor’s open world gameplay.

Welcome to Mars.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Annihilation Multiplayer Preview

Call of Duty:  Black Ops has another map pack coming up, and Treyarch released a trailer to prove it!

Looks like I might need to dust of my copy...

Check it out.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Max is back!

For anyone who was playing PC games back in the late 90's you should know exactly who Max is, you may not know why he's back, but like me you're probably going to wet yourself with excitement waiting for his return!

You see, Max is a traffic cop's worst nightmare and your car insurance will go through the roof just by him driving past you (actually that's a lie.....he will drive right into you!)

It's 1997 and Carmageddon gets released on the PC, an obscenely fun driving game take makes the roads of Liverpool look normal. Mad Max is the main protagonist and the aim of the game is to smash up the opponent cars until they explode in a big ball of fire (always the favourite) or to make roadkill of ever human/zombie/robot on the map (depending on which censored or uncensored version you got) and the most boring way, to actually race normally and win...zzzzzzzz

This was a time when violence in games got huge attention, games being censored, the BBFC stepping in to have their say and Dail Mail readers fainting in their chairs after reading about it.

The game was unapologetic in its execution and didn't give a damn about controversy, it was balls to the walls and almost everyone who played the first 2 incernations would probably agree.

Well it's been gone for 10 years and now the original developers have regained the rights to it, opened up a new website for all to see and the new game will be released next year on multiple platforms. I for one can't wait for this to make a return!

I will leave you with a new concept art from their website, just looking at this brings back memories and makes it look like they are already on the right track.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Alice: Madness Returns - Released!

If any of you haven't heard, Alice:  Madness Returns was released yesterday.

A:MR is the sequel to the PC classic American McGee's Alice.  If you haven't played that game, I highly recommend that you try it out.  It is one of those rare games that sticks with you long after you've completed it.  The mechanics are a little dated, but the twisted vision for Wonderland will leave a lasting impression.  If the sequel is anything like the original we're in for one Hell of treat.

Speaking of Hell, some of the imagery in the trailer certainly could be compared to it...  Hopefully I will get my hands on a copy of the game soon.  Until then, check out the chilling - yet totally awesome - trailer!

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Intro Cinema

If you're a Star Wars fan, this cinema will give you chills.  It will also make you ask the question:  "Why the Hell weren't the prequels this good?"

This cinema is absolutely superb, and the characters shown on it seem interesting.  What's sad is that in their roughly six minutes of screen time, these characters were able to outdo almost every character in the Star Wars prequel films...  My favorite being the guy who's an obvious nod to Han Solo.  In fact, the guy was so damn cool that I'm seriously considering not playing as a Jedi when this game is eventually released.

Anyhow, check out the video - originally seen on IGN - and prepared to be wowed.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mass Effect 3 Trailer

This is the Mass Effect 3 trailer that was shown at E3, and brought to you thanks to  

I only have one thing to say:  this is going to be good...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Play Red Faction: Armageddon with Volition!

If you have the Xbox 360 version of Red Faction:  Armageddon and a Gold Xbox Live account, then you will have the opportunity to game with the developers this Thursday (the 16th)!  A follow up to an event they held two years ago for Red Faction:  Guerrilla, this event will be mainly focusing on Infestation Mode; RFA's onlinve co-op mode.

The event will occur from 8-11 PM ET.  If you want to join, they say you need to make sure you have a mic hooked up, and must send of a friend request to one of the following GamerTags:

  • VolitionDev01

  • VolitionDev02

  • VolitionDev03

  • VolitionDev04

  • VolitionDev05

  • VolitionDev06

  • VolitionDev07

  • VolitionDev08

  • VolitionDev09

  • VolitionDev10

  • Check here for the full story.

    Sunday, June 12, 2011

    Forum Added!

    We are pleased to announce that we have just added a forum to our site!

    We hope to create a strong community, and this forum is the first step.  We encourage everyone to check it out, and engage in active discussions.

    View the forum here:

    Wednesday, June 8, 2011

    E3 Battlefield 3: Thunder Run Gameplay Trailer

    Looking up at the desert sky with sunshine in your eyes. Jets scream past, and then returning your eyes to sandy terrain you see that you're surrounded by an armored division. The terrain is sparsely covered by desert vegetation as well as the old tread tracks and new being produced by the armored division while heading into the SNAFU at full speed.

    The particle effects look excellent, the dust trails don't look like the cartoonish blobs you've seen in BF2. The vibrant fast flashing explosions that cause sand to be thrown violently into the air by the T-90 shells followed by a stunning boom from the near hit really help to bring forth a realistic experience. I'm truly impressed by the attention to detail, such as the dust plumes, smoke and fire are all affected by changing winds. It is great to see how much more interested they are in the environmental feel of this game. All I can say is that I feel sorry for those who choose to purchase this game for a console system, since they will be missing out on all that BF3 has to offer.

    But enough from me, see for yourself here all thanks to!

    OnLive's Steve Perlman Discusses OnLive's Future

    OnLive's founder and CEO, Steve Perlman, has been discussing the future of OnLive, as well as making some stabs at Nintendo's new console.  Here is the full Press Release from
    Los Angeles, Calif. (E3 Expo 2011) — June 7, 2011 — OnLive, Inc., the pioneer of cloud gaming, is pleased to report that gamers throughout the world can immediately experience the seamless integration of tablets and HDTVs with high-end gaming. Their current iPad or Android tablet and current HDTV will not only provide this experience in 2011, but will provide it with far higher performance, richer gameplay and deeper social integration than any console announced for 2012, with more than 100 games available today.

    OnLive is pleased to announce the OnLive® Player App for iPad and Android. Like the recently announced consoles, the OnLive Player App will enable gameplay of virtually all OnLive games on an iPad and Android tablet with touch or OnLive's new Universal Wireless Controller. In addition, the OnLive Player App allows the tablet to be used as a touch and motion controller combined with an HDTV (or PC/Mac® if preferred), and allows both synchronized or independent video on the tablet and HDTV screen, enabling combined gameplay with tablet and HDTV, or separate gameplay on tablet and HDTV.

    Full voice chat-enabled multiplayer is supported, both in-room and with others throughout the world, providing a complete multiplayer experience whether at home or on the go with a mobile device.

    Core patent-pending exclusive OnLive cloud gaming features such as massive spectating of live gameplay throughout the world, instant no-obsolescence gameplay, Facebook integration with Brag Clip™ videos, etc., will work seamlessly on both tablets and HDTVs and will continue to distinguish OnLive from consoles, both in 2011 and beyond.

    “The power of the cloud is definitely the theme this week, displacing what had been assumed to be platforms that could never be displaced,” said Steve Perlman, Founder and CEO of OnLive. “The OnLive Player App for iPad and Android shows how with the power of the cloud, the question is not whether cloud gaming will be able to catch up to consoles, it will be whether consoles will be able to catch up to cloud gaming.”

    OnLive is excited to demonstrate the first game from a major publisher supporting both OnLive's iPad/Android tablet touch and game controller, as well as running seamlessly on an HDTV, PC and Mac, to be released later in 2011. Come to OnLive's booth (South Hall, Booth #801) for a demo.

    For gamers preferring a smaller screen, OnLive will provide the exact same functionality on iPhone and Android smartphones, allowing them to be used both as game systems themselves with touch and the OnLive Universal Wireless Controller, or as a controller to an HDTV (or PC/Mac), for simultaneous or independent play.

    OnLive is also unveiling as part of this experience the first 10 gigabit cloud-based full-featured browser for iPad, Android and HDTV; bringing the full richness of the Web loading from ultra-fast 10 gigabit/second Web connections to OnLive's cloud-based servers, including support for full-featured Flash and video sites. Mobile and home devices will no longer be limited to the speed of their local connection for Web browsing or Web plug-in compatibility, opening up access to Flash games and social gaming for tablets and HDTVs.

    All OnLive games played using the OnLive Player App will play seamlessly across all OnLive-compatible devices, including iPad, iPhone, Android, on HDTV via the OnLive Game System, on connected HDTV and Blu-ray/media players and on PC and Mac.

    The OnLive Player for iPad and Android is being showcased live at OnLive.s booth (South Hall, Booth #801) and will be available later this year. For a video presentation please visit

    Its a bold move to take on Nintendo's new console, even though what he discusses isn't quite the same...    Personally, I find the coolest aspect of his demonstration to be the announcement of the OnLive Browser.  Its something that I've actually thought about in the past, but never actually thought would be implemented.  Its a great feature, and something that will bring intrigue to OnLive beyond its gaming capabilities.

    With only one day of E3 2011 left, it will be interesting to see what else - if anything at all - is announced by OnLive.  Expect any breaking news to be posted here!

    Tuesday, June 7, 2011

    OnLive 100th Game Sale!

    OnLive is celebrating the release of their 100th game (Red Faction:  Armageddon) by featuring an awesome sale!  Right now, and until 1AM Saturday, when you make a purchase of $10 or more, you will get a coupon for a FREE game, MicroConsole, or Wireless Controller!

    In addition to the sale, they are also giving you a chance to win free stuff - including a Home Theatre System - just for playing games on the service!

    For more details, visit

    Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception E3 Gameplay Demo

    Naughty Dog has once again proven that there is no limit to what they can achieve on the PS3 with their gameplay demo of Uncharted 3:  Drake's Deception.

    Shown at Sony's E3 2011 Press Conference, the game once again pushes the limits of what the PS3 hardware can achieve.  The gameplay looks just as tight as the visuals, which has come to be expected from this amazing franchise.

    Watch the video, as featured on

    E3 2011 BioShock Infinite Gameplay Trailer

    2K and Irrational Games have released their E3 2011 trailer for BioShock Infinite, and it looks absolutely stunning!  

    I was a fan of the original, but never really got into the sequel.  In fact, I did not think that it was possible for the developers to ever match the brilliance of the first game.  Well, if what has been shown so far is any indication of the final product, I think BioShock Infinite will actually surpass the original.

    Check out the video, from, and see if you're as impressed with it as I am.

    E3 2011 Resistance 3 Gameplay Demo

    After watching the the Resistance 3 Gameplay Demo at Sony's E3 2011 Press Conference, I've decided that its a game to put on my radar.  

    I'll be honest, up to this point I hadn't put much thought into the game.  However, after watching the gameplay demo, I've changed my mind.

    The demo features some bad-ass looking weaponry, and slick graphics.  Gameplay wise, the game seems to play like a mix between Call of Duty and Gears of War.

    Watch the video, as featured on, and see if it sparks your interest as well.

    MW3 Black Tuesday Gameplay Demo

    As seen on, Infinity Ward has released another gameplay demo for Modern Warfare 3.  As expected, the demo shows off some insane cinematic moments, and features some nice particle effects.

    Gameplay wise, Infinity Ward seems to have taken the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" approach as the game doesn't seem to tread too far from earlier iterations.  For fans of the series, this is not necissarilly a bad thing.  That said, how long will this franchise be able to stay on top without an eventual overhaul?  I guess only time will tell...

    Check out the video, and decide for yourself what you think.

    Monday, June 6, 2011

    New Vision for Tomb Raider

    In all honesty, I have never really been much of a Tomb Raider fan.  However, the gameplay demo shown at Microsoft's E3 Press Conference today was absolutely stunning.

    The game has a very brutal, gritty tone, and seems to be heavily focussed on survival.  It is definitely a huge departure from the earlier games, but one that is looking like it will pay off.

    Check out the video, featured on, and see if you find the new vision as intriguing as I do.

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